It’s 0545 and I’m up. Again, my sleep went well. Get out of the sleeping bag and get dressed. My clothes are dry, cold and I stink. I pack all my “need to stay dry” gear into my dry bag. Put on my shoes and I’m out of the tent. Get my food bag off the bear pole and start on another 4 star breakfast. Maple & brown sugar oatmeal and a Carnation Breakfast Essentials Powder. Let that soak and I’ll drink my breakfast on the trail. Take down the tent and pack the rest of my gear.
Another day of great morning hiking. Cool morning air, dew all over the plants, GREAT pics and I’m all by myself.
**** Please remember the rules for LNT****
If you have to go to the bathroom, this is it!! Indian Henry’s is the place to “go”. Look at this view. What way do you look?
Devils Dream to North Puyallup River was another day of elevation gain & loss. You hike up hill so you can hike down hill. Then you get to do it over again. Back up hill then back down hill.
13.52 Miles, 3,970 Elev Gain, 5,233 Elev Loss, 8:34 time