Category Archives: Uncategorized

We start a new job soon!

At our new job

Some of the cool things I will see at work.

Last time we had a great view. Today, not so much.

We still had fun.

This is a great view!!!

I’ll get paid to see this view.

Thanks for your time.

Lake Serene

Another great hike. We were the 3rd car in the parking lot. Lake Serene is/was a great trail. Today not so much……. 100+ trees to go over, under, or around. The creeks have gone over most of the banks.

The trail is gone…..

MICRO spikes ON or OFF. That was the question! If you put your spikes on “early” you spent lots of time on the rocks w/o any snow. If you put your spikes on late you were great on the rocks, but it was slippery in the ice.

I had to take Kersee off the leash to get through all the brush.

With the MICRO spikes on we only had a few creeks and a slide path to cross.

What a view! Kersee and I had snacks and something to drink while we took in the view.

Thank for your time.

Please add your thoughts and comments.

What’s is in my pack!

Like most hikers I have a bunch of gear. Some is new, some is old, some is light, some “not so” light. It’s true, you pay more for less weight. You pay a lot for crazy light gear.

When the force acts on an object to change the way it is moving, work is done and energy is transferred. (No movement by force means no work is done) A “0 day”.
The amount of work done (energy transferred) to the object is found by: W = F x d
Work (Joules) = force (N) x distance moved (m). Ie……. it takes less energy to move lighter gear.

Is my base weight under 15 lbs?

Whats in my pack

Pack : Osprey Exos 58

Sleeping system : Featherfriends – Swallow 20, Therm-a-Rest sleeping pad, Big Agnes Pillow, Smart wool top & Bottom

Tent : Big Agnes Copper Spur HV UL 2 w/ footprint

Puffy jacket : Mountain Hardware .

Cooking : MSR PocketRocket 2 Mini Stove kit w/ a TOAKS titanium spoon. .

Water : Katadyn Hiker Microfilter, 2 x 2L Platypus, 1L & a .75L SmartWater.

Rain gear : Outdoor Research jacket and pants

First aid kit : Bug net,

Bathroom kit:. TP, wet wipes, toothpaste and toothbrush

Sitting pad : Therm-a-Rest

Electronics : Garmin inReach Explorer+, Pocket Juice 12000 mAh, power cords,

Camp shoes : KEEN Clearwater sandals w/ carabiner

Food : Zpack bear bag + food ( breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks)

***** The next BIG QUESTION *****

What else do I need? It just needs to be light.

What do I need to get rid of?

Evergreen Lookout Trail

   The things you do on your day off. As early season trails go, this one wasn’t too bad. Trekking poles and micro spikes made this “easy”. 

   A friend (old 2’s guy) and our kids got an early start for this one. In Gold Bar and on the trail, the weather was almost great. A cool 56 degrees, cloudy and little wind. The dodge got us to the trail head w/o a problems. I never used the 4×4 on the way up. But the parking lot still had some snow. While “turning around “ we hit snow”. I always carry an ax, shovel and a saw. We didn’t use them, but it was close.

   We started early enough that things weren’t too bad. We ran into hard packed snow & fog.  The fog took away our views on the way up. The snow and blow downs made the trail challenging. Out came the micro spikes.

  Lunch at the top was 1/2 a can of “cold” hard cider, hot coffee, gluten-free fennel pollen salami, Reese’s sticks, and some dog food. 

    And then it started to clear up. WOW, what a view. On the way down we would take ten steps, stop, turn around, and take pictures. Repeat…….


The other day we drove by the trail head. WOW, the place was PACKED. If you “must” hike in this condition (Sat & Sun) go for it. Not me…..I’ll wake up at 0445 on a Monday morning to hike a trail.

The trail and weather were great ( not crowded, cool and dry). With my pack on we made great time.

Do you like trails with steps? Trails that are rocky? Trails that have elevation gain?

Do you like “switchbacks” and more elevation gain?

Do you like great views? If so, this is your trail……

Keeping K out of the water wasn’t easy.

Snack time….. My plan was to have coffee and a snack at the lake. I had 2 – 700ml SmarWater bottles. Dog water for Kersee and MiO Energy for me. I was too lazy to use my Katadyn. So, dog water it was. Set up the stove, boil the water, and make coffee. What a day, what a life. Kersee and I sitting on a rock drinking coffee, hot chocolate and a eating dog food & a candy bar. Kersee got the dog food. After 15 min of sitting in the sun it was time to head down.

Doing the right thing…. On the way up to the lake, I bagged some poo left by Kersee. Yes, I left the bag on the side of the trail. Not only did I get Kersee’s bag on the way down. I also picked up 5 other poo bags.

Wallace Falls

Only 3 miles this am.

With a late start we were on the trail after 0630.

We took the Woody trail up to the RR grade cut off. Then the Railroad grade back down.

The Falls are great , but we didn’t have time today. Next time.

K & I need to do an overnighter at the lake.

Mothers day

I was up at 0530 and on the road soon after that. We were at the trail head by 0630 and on the move.

We were at the top in 45 min. The view was “great”. Strike that. My view was fog and a dog. The trail is almost empty at this time of the morning.

K the dog & I in the fog.

My gear this am was a 20.2 lbs Dueter 42 Futura Pro backpack. Outdoor Research: rain gear, cold weather hat, and gloves. Mountain Hard Wear puffy (for me), Ruffler puffy (for Kersee), MSR PocketRocket 2 mini w/ lighter and cleaning kit, Katadyn Hiker Water Filter w/ 2 – 700 ml SmartWater bottles, Black Diamond headlight, first aid kit, food ( 3.74 lbs), Gerber knife, Emergency blanket, Space All-Weather blanker w/ 550 cord, bathroom kit, and a Titanium spoon.

Kersee had on a Ruffewear Singletrak Pack and a water bowl.

My 1st Blog

Thanks for looking at my blog. Life is short, get outside. I’m a 55 year old guy that likes to play in the woods. Rain or shine, if i’m not at work you can find me in the woods.

Hiking Etiquette

Turn your cell phone down, if not off. Enjoy the sounds of nature and let others do the same.

If taking a break, move off the trail aways to allow others to pass by unobstructed.

Don’t toss your trash – If you packed it in, pack it back out.

Hikers going downhill yield to those hiking uphill.

When bringing a pet on a hike, be sure to keep them on a leash and undercontrol.

Don’t feed the wildlife. While many animals stay hidden, others are not so shy. Giving these creatures food only disrupts their natural foraging habits.

Leave what you find. The only souvenirs a hiker should come home with are photographs and happy memories. (And maybe an improved fitness level!)

When relieving yourself outdoors, be sure to do so 200 feet away from the trail and any water sources. Follow Leave No Trace principles.

Walk through the mud or puddle and not around it, unless you can do so without going off the trail. Widening a trail by going around puddles, etc. is bad for trail sustainability. Just because it looks easy to cut the corner off of aswitchback doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. Help preserve the trail by staying onthe trail.

If hiking in a group, don’t take up the whole width of the trail; allow others to pass.

Have fun & Be safe!