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Head in the Sky……

I was able to spend some time taking pictures on the Skykomish River.
Boulder drop is a great place for Kayakers and Rafters to do some “FUN” whitewater.

I can do this……
Head in the Sky…..

Some of the great things in my “backyard”!

Another morning

Kersee & I got an early start today. We were at the trail head before sunrise. With my headlamp on and my day pack full of snacks (and dog food for Kersee) we were off.

The hike was fast and easy. We passed one group just before the top.

We made it to the top before sunrise. I made hot chocolate for me and Kersee got dog food.

Great view from the top.

And just like that, the sun is up and more people are starting to show up. It must be time to go. I’m off to the next adventure .

2 Days at work

I think we are just off the trail…..

Day one was rain, rain, and more rain, and some fog. We drove logging roads all the way to the trail head. We were only on the trail for a bit. The next thing you know, we are working our way through the brush. Not lost, but not on the trail. I wip out the orical, get a heading to the lake, and we are off.

Shaw Pot

Before we get to Shaw Pot we find the trail. We do some quick work on the trail and keep walking. You cross a small creek just before you get to the lake.

I use my Tenkara rod for a few minutes. We pick some garbage out of the Fire ring. And we are off. We take the trail all the way back to the truck..

Day 2 was “dry”. This time I was by myself, so I couldn’t drive up the logging roads. I found the closest gate and I was off. Per google maps you walk the logging road 2.5 miles and make a right turn.

The trail was tight, wet, overgrown, and had some graupel.

MLK Day, Kersee & I go for a walk.

After a not so solid 6 hours of sleep Kersee and I are up. A quick breakfast and we are in the road. At the trailhead we are the 3rd car in the parking lot.

We made it to the lookout before sunrise. I set down my pad and made breakfast for Kersee.


I took a few more pictures as people were coming up the stairs. With my morning workout done and a few pics in the camera it was time to go. After a quick walk down to the highway it’s time to look for eagles.

Rocks in your path?

If you live long enough, one day you will find a rock in your path.

Sometimes you can work your way around. Other times you have to go over.

If you don’t make your first time, try again!

And again………

And before you know it, you’re on your way to the top…..

Lessons of life.